All Marketing authorisation articles

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    The availability of medicines post-Brexit in Malta


    Malta has historically sourced medicinal supplies from the UK, but following Brexit insufficient supply of medicines represents a significant obstacle to patients’ access to medicines.

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    Cell and gene therapy – navigating complexities in CMC development for optimisation of global regulatory strategies


    Cell and gene therapy (CGT) products represent a frontier in modern medicine, offering precision treatments. Yet their development is affected by multifaceted challenges including chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC). This article provides a comprehensive exploration of the complexities involved in CMC development and considers its role in establishing quality, safety ...

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    Ensuring promotional
    materials’ compliance
    in the EU


    Directive 2001/83/EC is the EU legislation specifically covering promotional materials for the pharmaceutical industry – notably, Title VIII Advertising and Title VIIIa Information and Advertising. This is in addition to general consumer protection laws and unfair commercial practices regulations and directives. While Directives are legally binding and directly applicable to all companies. Some granularities can be introduced when it is transposed into national legislation by Member States (MS) individual legislatures.