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Source: NICE

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has announced that its first treatment for acute migraine will soon be available on the National Health Service (NHS), in the UK, to about 13,000 people.

NICE has published its final draft guidance, recommending Rimegepant – also called Vydura – as a cost-effective option for the treatment of acute migraine in adults.

The drug is intended for adults who have tried at least two triptans – a group of medicines used to treat migraine – and for adults who cannot take, or tolerate, triptans.

NICE – which first recommended the treatment in June – said that about 13,000 people in England and Wales would soon be able to obtain the treatment through the NHS. Currently, people with migraine for whom triptans do not work have no further standard treatment options. They can be referred to a migraine specialist, however, NICE said that there are a limited number of headache centres in the UK and that there are long waiting lists.

Helen Knight, Director of Medicines Evaluation at NICE

Helen Knight

Source: NICE

“This is the first and only NICE-recommended medicine that can help alleviate the misery of acute migraines, and may be considered a step-change in treatment.

“Migraine is a condition described in comments to NICE from carers and people with migraine as an invisible disability that affects all aspects of life including work, education, finances, mental health, social activities, and family,” said Helen Knight, director of medicines evaluation at NICE.



Further reading:

NICE Final Draft Guidance: Rimegepant for treating migraine