Richard Bassett

Richard Bassett is Principle Regulatory Consultant, DLRC, UK. He is a medical device professional with a background in using, researching and manufacturing medical devices and IVDs.

  • Regulation versus innovation in life sciences

    Regulation versus innovation in life sciences


    With Regulations evolving to meet the needs of changing technologies, demographics and health care practices, regulatory affairs professionals must ensure that the ever-changing requirements placed upon product or manufacturers are met and where possible met at minimal costs. Within this article we look to find innovative approaches to meet the different priorities which aim to reduce economic industry burden and ensure product availability.

  • AdobeStock_449245189 (1)

    The new UK MDR - a great start to a long road ahead


    On 29 March 2017, the UK invoked Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union (EU)[1] and began the withdrawal process from the EU. Despite the UK’s departure from the EU on 31 January 2020, EU legislation continues to apply in UK domestic law. This means that, for the medical ...