COVID-19 vaccines show a very good safety profile in all age groups, including people with underlying medical conditions and pregnancy.

A statement that confirms the good safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines has been published by the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA), and quickly endorsed by the EMA.

The key message was that COVID-19 vaccines show a very good safety profile in all age groups, including people with underlying medical conditions, the immunocompromised, and also pregnant women. This evidence base draws on the now more than 13 billion doses of vaccines given worldwide.

It also highlights that people who had been vaccinated were less likely to develop long COVID – the continuation of symptoms three months after initial infection – based on emerging evidence from studies of real world data.

In May 2023, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 no longer a global health emergency. However, countries that are members of the ICMRA – a forum which supports international cooperation among medicines’ regulatory authorities – continue to have international safety monitoring systems in place that collect and analyse reports of suspected side effects.

Despite the good safety profile of the vaccines and ongoing safety measures, the statement draws attention to the devastating impact of misinformation around COVID-19 vaccines. It stresses that false information circulating on social media can result in deaths, or severe disease, if people avoid getting the vaccines as a consequence.

“ICMRA strongly supports the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and their benefits in protecting people of all ages from the severe consequences of COVID”, the statement concludes.

Further reading:

EMA: Global regulators confirm good safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines

ICMRA: ICMRA statement on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines